Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010

Why Cats, Chaos, Cola???

Hi there,

and welcome to my absolute new and fresh Blog
"Cats, Chaos, Cola"

I can imagine that you want to know why I named it "Cats, Chaos, Cola".

I will tell you.

Cats: I have two of them. Luna and Jelly. And my third one my girlfriend. She loves Cats so much that I count her as one *g* I can predict and assure, that you will read about them here very often. Why? Because they are absolutely funny and drive me crazy from time to time. Oh and they create chaos. That leads to part two of my Blogtitle:

Chaos: You see, Chaos is a part of everything, especially of me. I don't believe in the Chaostheroy and I am not a messy (ok, sometimes a little bit), but I believe Chaos is good for the character. It gives you Fantasy and from time to time you have to work yourself through your own Chaos (may that be physical or mental) and when you have done that you will come out stronger than before and you will just feel better...

Cola: I like Cola. Especially the original. Don't drink to much of it, it contains lot of sugar. But on the other side... Enjoy life its to short so enjoy the good things if you like to.

What awaits you on my Blog:
There are several things I want to share with the world. Recipes, Pictures (several categories, mainly painted Miniatures), Thoughts and from time to time when the muse kissed me a Poem.

So enjoy yourself, enjoy my Blog, enjoy the enjoyment.

Greeetz Wolvie

P.S.: If you find any slips in grammar or spelling feel free to wirte a comment. Oh and feel free to write a comment when you feel like